Its so lovely to get emails from our customers and some particularly touch our hearts.
Here is a recent email we have received from “Katie” which we are honoured to share with our subscribers.
“Our little daughter Grace is 2 years old now and 2 days after having her in hospital was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
We were 29 when we had Grace, had all the screening tests done for down syndrome and was told we were of “low risk” and 1 in 9200 was our chance of having a Downs baby.
After having our first daughter and with the risk of Lucy being 1 in 9400 we never gave it another thought that there would have been anything wrong especially with the pregnancy being typically normal and all scans and tests bringing back “normal” results.
Quite heart breaking and life changing at first, now 2 years down the track our whole ideas and acceptance of the whole situation has changed considerably.
We have this beautiful little girl who never chose to be the way she was but has come into a family that has a lot of love and support for her. We are trying to give her the best opportunities in life whilst trying to keep everything as normal as possible both for Grace and her sister Lucy and brother Harry.
I have been a huge lover of Tea Princess since discovering this label when Lucy was born 5 years ago now. We are always stopped and people commenting about my daughters being dressed so beautifully and with a “vintage”, “old fashioned” look – all thanks to Tea Princess.”